Monday 11 March 2013

Viewfinder 3

Within the triangle. The boundaries seem faded but protrude with energy. Family of ants gather for supper on the green wooden seats. The clouds slowly cover the space where they join. Suddenly a sense of comfort arisies as they all hold hands, a bond not even the darkness can break.

Viewfinder 2

Hands stretching through the bars to the sky, they all want freedom. Trapped under the weight pf sadness blocking the children from reaching their dreams. Once they can break free from the horizontal prison lines, the release of happiness will surely exceed the limits.

View finder 1

Shadowed to the centre; creating a circle of peace and serenity. A corner of pillows thick and plush comforting whatever passes by with a wish to relax. Not only a field of green, it becomes every strand of grass, each stick a bridge to another world